SOiL - Essential Oils

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Sweet Basil (SA01494)

SOiL Sweet Basil organic essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the leaves and flowering tops of the plant. There are many chemotypes of this oil but the sweet Basil has a higher percentage of linalool, which is regarded as safe to use in aromatherapy. Sweet basil organic essential oil is enlivening, comforting and helpful for clarity and strength of mind as well as body systems. Sweet Basil Essential Oil is a good tonic for the treatment of depression and stress related headaches. It is used to clear the mind and relieve intellectual fatigue, while giving clarity and mental strength. Essential oils are the highly concentrated active ingredients of plants. They should always be diluted in a base before use and should not be taken internally without professional recommendation. (10ml)

Benzoin (SA01769)

SOiL Benzoin organic essential oil has a sweet vanilla-like aroma. Benzoin essential oil acts as an anti-depressant and a relaxant to the body and mind. It is anti-inflammatory in nature and soothes redness, itchiness and irritation in cases of pox, measles, rashes and also helps soothe the digestive system. It has a warming, boosting effect on circulation; it gives very good relief in rheumatism and arthritis and is used in a number of ant-arthritic balms. Benzoin also helps with easing respiratory disorders like bronchitis. It is a very good antiseptic and disinfectant when externally applied on wounds, while aiding the healing of sores and wounds and at the same time improving elasticity and can help improve dry, cracked skin. (10ml)

Bergamot (SA01492)

SOiL Bergamont organic essential oil is known for its uplifting, refreshing and restoring action. It is expressed from the peel of the bitter orange tree and is helpful for colds, flu and PMS as well as nervous digestive complaints. Our Bergamot oil is rectified to remove Bergapten, ensuring it is safe to use on the skin in dilution (non-phototoxic). (10ml)

Black Pepper (SA01493)

SOiL Black Pepper organic essential oil is steam-distilled from the dried, crushed fruits of the pepper vine. Black Pepper has a its warm spiciness and is well indicated for circulation and digestion as well as muscular aches. This is a useful oil for athletes before training to help prevent muscular pain and stiffness afterwards. (10ml)

Cedarwood (SA01503)

SOiL Cedarwood organic essential oil is steam- distilled from the wood-chippings of Cedarwood trees that grow in the Atlas mountains in Morocco and Northern Western Algeria. Cedarwood essential oil has a sweet, woody aroma with a warming and reputed aphrodisiac effect. It is helpful to encourage lymphatic drainage and very useful in skin and hair care. Safety information: Some references refer to it being contraindicated during pregnancy. (10ml)

German Chamomile (SA01774)

SOiL German Chamomile organic essential oil, like Roman Chamomile has excellent calming properties, but because of the natural occurrence of chamazulene, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent which gives the oil its blue colour, German chamomile essential oil is best used externally to treat inflammation. German Chamomile Oil is extremely helpful for severe skin problems not only to soothe and calm skin irritations like allergies, eczema, psoriasis, but also for healing and tissue regeneration. This oil is also very effective to treat urinary stones, as it stimulates the liver and gall bladder, thereby improving digestion. It is also valuable in treating menstrual and menopausal problems. (5ml)

Roman Chamomile (SA01491)

SOiL Roman Chamomile organic essential oil is a sweet scented perennial with a daisy-like flowers and feathery leaves. The oil is distilled from the flowering tops of the plant. Roman Chamomile Organic Essential Oil has a pleasant apple fragrance to calm the body and mind. This plant has been long known for its therapeutic properties. Roman Chamomile is a gentle oil, suitable for children; it soothes teething in infants, colic and indigestion. Relaxing and pain relieving systems make it useful for treating complaints of the digestive and nervous systems, having both sedative and anti-inflammatory properties. (5ml)

Cinnamon Leaf (SA01960)

SOiL cinnamon leaf organic essential oil is steam distilled from the tree leaves and is milder oil than the Cinnamon bark oil which is considered to be hazardous. Cinnamon essential oil can be used for infection of the respiratory tract. It has a toning effect on the body, and stimulates the glandular system. In aromatherapy, Cinnamon oil makes a warming liniment to relieve muscle pain, ease joint pain, menstrual cramps and increase circulation. Safety information: may be a dermal irritant. Avoid during pregnancy. (10ml)

Citronella (SA01490)

SOiL Citronella organic essential oil is known for its antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorising and toning properties, this lemon scented essential oil is uplifting and cleansing on the body and mind. It is commonly used as an air freshener or as an insect repellent. Citronella organic essential oil has antimicrobial properties and suggest that it is a useful oil for inhalations to protect against colds and flu. Safety information; May cause contact dermatitis in some individuals. (10ml)

Clary Sage (SA01498)

SOiL Clary Sage Organic Essential Oil is steam-distilled from the plant's flowering tops and foliage. Its flowers are pale blue, violet-pink or white and its leaves heart shaped. Clary sage has a musky herbaceous aroma and has uplifting, cooling and soothing properties. It is known as a useful women's remedy and wellbeing throughout all stages of life. SOiL Clary Sage Organic Essential Oil is beneficial for stress issues and as an antispasmodic remedy for menstrual cramps. (10ml)

Clove Bud (SA01646)

SOiL Clove Bud Organic Essential Oil has long been used for the relief of toothache, equally useful for digestive problems. Being a caminative and antispasmodic, it helps stimulate digestion, restores appetite and relieves flatulence. Clove Bud Essential Oil has excellent antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties; it is reported to relieve arthritic and rheumatic pains.

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Clove Bud Essential Oil is a unique and powerful essential oil with a strong, spicy aroma that is popular for a warming massage or if you are feeling weak or fragile it is recommended for inhalation. (10ml

Coriander Seed (SA02558)

Coriander Seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the Coriandrum Sativum plant, and it has a warm and spicy smell. It is helpful for refreshing the mind, and its anti-spasmodic properties means that it is often used to treat ailments in both the muscular and digestive systems including colic, nausea, indigestion, rheumatism and general aches and pains. (10ml)

Cypress (SA01647)

Cypress oil is steam-distilled from the leaves (needles) and twigs of the Cypress tree that originates in the eastern Mediterranean countries. Most of the oil is distilled in Southern France. Cypress is used for treating varicose veins, haemorrhoids and broken capillaries. It can be used for circulatory and respiratory problems, also for easing muscle and menstrual cramps. It is an excellent astringment for oily skin.

Eucalyptus (SA01483)

SOiL Eucalyptus organic Essential Oil has a strong, pungent and fresh aroma. It is steam distilled from the blue-green leaves of the evergreen tree and is great for cleansing and invigorating the body and mind. The purifying properties is great for clearing breathing passageways, reducing fevers and fights viruses therefore it an ideal choice for use in massage and steam inhalations. Eucalyptus Essential Oil can be a very useful oil to relieve insect bites as well as muscular aches and is a well-known oil for decongesting which can benefit cold and flu conditions. (10ml)

Fennel (SA01495)

Fennel oil is produced from steam distillation of the crushed seeds of this tall feathery-leaved plant, which is indigenous to parts of the Mediterranean. Fennel is antispasmodic and traditionally used to relieve bloating and digestive problems. It is particularly useful for fluid retention and regulation of the menstrual cycle. Safety information: Often contraindicated by persons suffering from epilepsy or during pregnancy. (10ml)

Frankincense (SA01648)

SOiL organic aromatherapy Frankincense Essential Oil is obtained from steam distillation of the gum resin. It has been used for 1000's of years as incense in religious ceremonies. It's centering aroma slows the nervous system and promotes a feeling of calm and introspection, and a few drops in an essential oil burner can aid concentration and meditation. Frankincense is excellent for dry and mature skin and is said to preserve a youthful complexion and prevent wrinkles. Apart from being used as a cosmetic and a fragrance, frankincense oil has numerous therapeutic uses due to its reputation for immune system boosting. Safety Information: Do not use during pregnancy.(5ml)

Ginger (SA01649)

Ginger has a spicy, woody aroma and is a warming and stimulating oil. The oil is extracted by means of steam distillation from the dried, ground-up root (rhizome) of the plant. It is a good travel companion as it relieves nausea, making it great for morning and travel sickness, and it helps with digestive complaints. It can be used in a massage oil to soothe aching joints and muscles, good for arthritis and stimulating circulation, and as a warming ingredient in a chest rub for a cold or flu. (10ml)

Grapefruit (SA01650)

Grapefruit has a fresh citrus odour, made from the peel of teh Citrus paradisi Fruit. It can have a positive, uplifting effect on your mood. It is recommended as part of anti-cellulite blends because of its toning and astringent effects. It has been shown to stimulate the lymphatic system and thus help the body remove toxins and reduce water retention. Good for oil skin and hair. (10ml)

Juniper Berry (SA01496)

Our Juniper berry oil is steam distilled from the crushed berries of this shrub. Sometimes the oil is distilled from both the berry and twig but this affects the quality of the oil. Juniper berry is toning, diuretic and antiseptic, thus a useful detoxifying oil, benefiting the lymphatic system. Warming and calming, it is also recommended for nervous and intellectual fatigue. Safety Information: Juniper oil is contraindicated during pregnancy and for those with kidney disease. (10ml)

Lavender (SA01484)

Lavender is the most popular and versatile oil in aromatherapy. Ours is grown in Bulgaria, one of the best climates for high quality Lavender oil. It's a must for the first aid box - a great oil for skin conditions where there is inflammation, burns, scarring, etc. Lavender is also well known for its relaxing, antidepressant and calming properties and for treating headaches and insomnia as well as benefiting throat infections, colds and flu. (10ml)

Lemon (SA01488)

Made from the peel of the Citrus Limium variety, this lively oil with its refreshing citrus aroma is highly antiseptic, making it useful in treating wounds and infections. Used in the home to clean and deodorise. Safety Information: Sensitisation can occur in some people. It should not be used on the skin prior to sun exposure as it is phototoxic. (10ml)

Lemongrass (SA01480)

Lemongrass oil is steam-distilled from fresh or partly dried leaves of this tall grass. It is an invigorating oil which stimulates, revives and energises the body can be added as to a toner for its astringent properties. Often used to treat jetlag, relieve fatigue or as an air freshener and insect repellent. Safety information: May cause skin irritation. (10ml)

Lemon Tea Tree (SA01992)

Lemon Tea Tree is from the same plant family as common Tea Tree Oil but has different active components. The oil has all the highly effective antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties associated with the tea tree oil itself but with a tangy and refreshing lemon fragrance. As part of a respiratory blend Lemon Scented Tea Tree will help to combat coughs and colds. It is recommended for the treatment of oily skin and acne, and it is also successfully used as a powerful insect repellent. (10ml)

Lime (SA01651)

Lime has a refreshing sweet citrus aroma, it is uplifting and energising and can combat fatigue and refresh a tired mind. Lime can help alleviate congestion due to colds and is known to be a digestive tonic. Lime can be used to fight cellulite and to tone the skin. It is astringent and antiseptic qualities that makes it a good deodorant, and is great for oily skin and pimples. Safety Information: May photo-sensitise the skin, do not apply before going in the sun. (10ml)

Mandarin (SA01653)

A gentle refreshing oil that is safe to use for children and from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy onwards. Helps prevents stretch marks and can be used to treat gastric complaints arising from slow digestion. Mandarin has a calming, soothing effect on children and helps relieve tummy upsets. It is recommended for oily and congested skins. (10ml)

Sweet Marjoram (SA01652)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Sweet Marjoram Oil is extracted from the fresh or dried leaves and flowering tops of the plant by steam distillation. Sweet Marjoram organic essential oil has a warm, slightly spicy smell. The warming and relaxing properties provides a powerful antispasmodic action that can ease pains of arthritis, muscle and menstrual cramps. It is also known to lower high blood pressure and help with headaches. Safety Information: Marjoram oil is contraindicated during pregnancy. (10ml)

Melissa (SA01776)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Melissa Essential Oil is steam-distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of the plant. It is sometimes referred to as the bee balm. It has anti-depressant properties and is indicated for insomnia, hysteria and irritability. It is also an anti-spasmodic and reputed to regulate the digestive system, relieving stomach cramps and nausea. Melissa Organic Essential Oil has a strong lemony scent and is ideal for use in a diffuser to uplift your health and wellbeing.(2.5ml)

Myrrh (Wild Harvested) (SA01777)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Myrrh Essential Oil is one of the oldest known aromatic substances. The warm rich and spicy aroma is well known for its antimicrobial properties, it is used in the treatment of mouth, gum and throat infections. Myrrh organic essential oil is also reputed to stimulate the stomach digestive system. Due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties it is useful in treating wounds and ulcers. It instils a deep sense of calm and tranquility on the mind. Please note this is conventional as it is unavailable organically. (5ml)

Niaouli (SA01497)

SOiL Niaouli Organic Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and twigs of the niaouli tree. Niaouli essential oil has an uplifting and stimulating sweet aroma and with its properties of being antiseptic and healing, it is useful for boils and cuts and is well-suited to skin care applications on account of it being non-irritant. Its expectorant properties make it well indicated for respiratory tract infections. (10ml)

Sweet Orange (SA01487)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Sweet orange essential oil has a warm sweet-smelling oil thats is cold-pressed from the ripe or almost ripe outer peel of the fruit. Organic Orange essential oil has a fresh aroma which has a refreshing effect. It is valuable in treating dry skin and renewing dull complexions. (10ml)

Palmarosa (SA01499)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Palmarosa essential oil is distilled from the fresh or dried stems of this grass which grows wild in India and is cultivated in the Seychelles and Comoros Islands. Organic Palmarosa essential oil has antibacterial and cell regenerating properties making it a useful skin care oil. It is reputed to have a tonic effect on the digestive and nervous systems. Often used as an uplifting and anti-depressant oil. (10ml)

Patchouli (SA01500)

SOiL organic aromatherapy Patchouli Organic Essential Oil is an orange-brown oil in colour. Patchouli Essential Oil has a distinct earthy aroma and is best known as a regenerating skin care oil. Therapeutically it is uplifting, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac and bacterial. (10ml)

Peppermint (SA01489)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Peppermint Essential Oil is stem-distilled from a partially dried plant. Peppermint essential oil is known for its refreshing and stimulating properties, it is said to aid circulation and treat various digestive upsets as well as fighting flu, reducing coughs, sinusitis and throat infections. 

SOiL's Peppermint Organic Essential Oil can be used in steam inhalation by breathing deeping for it therapeutic uplifting, awakening and focusing properties.

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Essential Oils are 100% pure and are required to be mixed with a carrier oil for use in massage or in an oil burner or diffuser. (10ml)

Petitgrain (SA01501)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Petitgrain essential oil is distilled from the leaves of the bitter orange tree. Petitgrain organic essential oil strengthens the nervous system and has a tonic effect in skin care applications. It has also been indicated as an antispasmodic in digestive troubles. (10ml)

Pine (Sylvester) (SA01654)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Pine Essential Oil is steam-distilled from the twigs and needles of the Scotch Pine Tree. It has a refreshing sweet-resinous woody aroma and it is said to have a cleansing and invigorating effect. It can help combat fatigue, stimulate circulation and can be used in massage blends for sore aching muscles. Pine oil is effective in the treatment of respiratory complaints eg. colds, flu, sinusitis and bronchitis and is also used in saunas and steam rooms. It is great for vapour therapy in a sick room as it promotes healing. (10ml)

Rose Geranium (SA01479)

SOiL organic aromatherapy Rose Geranium Organic Essential Oil is distilled from the leaves and branches of the plant. Rose geranium essential oil is known to lift the spirit and relieve anxiety. It is useful in treating PMS and menopausal problems. It has a balancing effect on the skin and can be used on all skin types including oily and problematic skin. (10ml)

Rosemary (SA01481)

A well known aromatic herb; Rosemary has been used medicinally for centuries. SOiL organic aromatherapy Rosemary Organic Essential Oil is considered a tonic for the central nervous system and is said to improve memory, stimulate the brain and relieve headaches. Rosemary organic essential oil is excellent for hair and scalp problems. Safety Information: Should not be used during pregnanacy and by persons suffering from epilepsy or high blood pressure. (10ml)

Sandalwood (SA01781)

SOiL organic aromatherapy Sandalwood Organic Essential Oil is steam distilled from coarsely powdered wood and roots. It is reported to have diuretic and urinary antiseptic properties, helpful in the relief of cystitis and gonorrhoea. Sandalwood essential oil is also beneficial in the treatment of varicose veins and swollen lymph nodes and has a relaxing effect on the nerves. It is recommended in the treatment of respiratory tract infections. Applied to the skin, it is soothing, cooling and moisturising. (2.5ml)

Spearmint (SA02559)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Spearmint Essential Oil is extracted from Mentha Spicata leaves, and is a sweet, minty and refreshing oil. It is high in antioxidants, and is useful for treating digestive and respiratory ailments, as well as headaches and stress-related conditions.

Spearmint Organic Essential Oil is very useful in massage blends as a replacement to Peppermint essential oil as Peppermint oil might be too stimulating or overwhelming.

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Essential Oils are 100% pure and are required to be mixed with a carrier oil for use in massage or in an oil burner or diffuser. (10ml)

Tea Tree (SA01485)

SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Tea Tree essential oil is steam-distilled from the leaves of this shrub or small tree. The therapeutic actions of Tea Tree essential oil have been well documented and this essential oil is a must for your first aid kit. SOiL Organic Aromatherapy Tea Tree essential oil has impressive antiseptic and antiviral properties, making it widely used in treatment of many skin and viral conditions. (10ml)

Thyme (SA01482)

SOiL organic aromatherapy Thyme Essential Oil is noted for its antiviral and antiseptic properties. It is a wonderful essential oil to use in a room diffuser to ward off colds and flu or can be used in massage blends to relieve fatigued muscles. Safety Information: Possible sensitising in some individuals. (10ml)

Vetiver (SA01502)

SOiL organic aromatherapy Vetiver Essential Oil is distilled to produce the sweet earthy smelling pure essential oil. Vetiver essential oil is often used in perfumery and is a valuable oil for relieving anxiety and depression due to its grounding nature. It is suggested as a good oil to strengthen the skin as well as being beneficial to the musculo-skeletal system due to its ability to promote blood flow.(10ml)

Wintergreen (SA01772)

SOiL organic aromatherapy Wintergreen Essential Oil is extensively used in pain relieving formulas; its chemical makeup is essentially that of liquid aspirin - being made up almost exclusively of methyl salicylate. The salicylates pass through the skin, entering the tissues to inhibit the formation of prostaglandins, thereby reducing inflammation and pain. The plant has been used for respiratory conditions and is often included in formulas to open the breathing passages, but is mainly employed for joint and muscular pain relief from conditions such as arthritis, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, gout, fibromyalgia, Contradictions: Wintergreen should NOT be used by people who are allergic to aspirin. Further, Wintergreen should NEVER be ingested and only used topically in dilutions of 2% and Care must be taken to always keep the oil away from children (10ml)

Ylang Ylang (SA01486)

SOiL organic aromatherapy Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is extracted from Cananga odorata var. genuina (Unona odorantissimum) of the Anonaceae family. Ylang-ylang essential oil has an intoxicating floral aroma and also has a euphoric and sedative effect on the nervous system and helps with anxiety, tension, shock, fear and panic while the aphrodisiac qualities is useful for impotence and frigidity. It is particularly useful with rapid breathing and rapid heartbeat, it can also help with reducing high blood pressure and useful for intestinal infections. On the skin, ylang-ylang essential oil has a soothing effect and its balancing action sorts out over-dry as well as overly-oily skin by balancing the secretion of sebum, and has a stimulating effect on the scalp which promotes more luxurious hair growth. Essential oils are the highly concentrated active ingredients of plants. They should always be diluted in a base before use and should not be taken internally without professional recommendation. (10ml)