Sodasan: The clean way to clean

Sodasan Environmental promise

Sodasan have already taken a number of steps to ensure that as few harmful greenhouse gases as possible are released into the atmosphere. That is why they have been getting electricity from renewable energy sources since 2005 and have been operating a photovoltaic system since 2009. The combined heat and power plant (CHP) that we installed in 2016 also helps to use energy efficiently. They been working with PRIMAKLIMA since 2002, which supports forest reforestation as climate protection projects worldwide . To ensure that the claims remain verifiable, PRIMAKLIMA issues certificates that document the efforts. Sodasan had the seal for the "climate-neutral site" since 2020. To do this, they record all emissions that arise directly at the site or are indirectly caused by energy consumption at the site. Specifically, this includes emissions generated by heating the production site, generating process heat and fuel consumption by the company's vehicle fleet.

What Sodasan have achieved so far:

  • Source 100% green electricity from Green Planet Energy

  • Since 2011, generating CO2- neutral electricity with our own PV system with an output of 58.8 kWp.

  • Since 2016, operating a 20 KW combined heat and power plant (CHP) that optimizes heat and simultaneously produces electricity that is used on site.

  • ProWindgas is purchased from Green Planet Energy for the CHP plant and the heating systems. For 2022, the share consisted of 15.5% renewable gases. This means a saving of around 14 t CO 2e . Green Planet wants to offer climate-neutral gas by 2027.

  • Conversion of lighting to LED throughout the company.

  • More than 90% of the plastic bottles are made of HD-PE monomaterial and 100% plastic recyclate.

  •  Labels used on plastic bottles are made of pure PE. Labels used on paper packaging are made of paper. Bottles and labels are therefore fully recyclable and can be returned to the cycle.

  • The use of bag-in-box packaging saves between 80 and 85% of plastic and CO2 emissions during transport.

  • Refill bottles and the bag-in-box system lead to a reduction in packaging waste.

  • The copy paper is made from 100% recycled paper fibres, which is produced with very low energy and water consumption, without chlorine bleach or optical brighteners.

  • Outgoing invoices are created and sent digitally.

  • Outer packaging is made of at least 80% recycled paper. The majority of this packaging has a recycled content of > 90%.

  • Packaging is subject to a constant optimisation process.

  • Own soap production based on low-temperature process.

  • The vegetable oils used are 100% organically grown.

  • Use of validated and certified raw materials according to the NCP and NCS standards.

  • Concentrated products save CO2 emissions during transport and packaging materials.

  • Prefer short delivery routes: Regional suppliers are preferred under similar conditions.

  • Suppliers are also selected based on sustainability criteria. 

  • Travel policy for employees (minimizing air travel, preferring rail) 

  • 100% of company vehicles have been converted to e-mobility.

  •  Company bicycle program 

  • 100% green electricity for e-cars and e-bikes 

    Climate protection is a constant challenge as the environment changes and new challenges arise. Technological advances and legal requirements require continuous adjustments and improvements. We aim to be pioneers and have therefore set ourselves the following goals for the future: 

    • 100% energy self-sufficiency for electricity by the end of 2024.

    • To generate 30% of the process heat in our own plants in a climate-neutral manner.

    • Expand our existing PV system by 240 kWp.

    •  Hot water pipes to  be further insulated .

    • The CHP plant and the compressor should be intelligently integrated into the heating circuit


Certifications Guide


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